“The visions we offer our children shape the future. It matters what those visions are.”
― Carl Sagan
What is the Clock Tower Project?
Historically clock towers brought communities together with a shared view of time. To this day, time, as a shared reference point, helps people coordinate activities locally, regionally, and globally. The Clock Tower Project aims to build upon this foundational concept using an upgraded perspective of time.
We have created a modern, digital, and three-dimensional clock tower that displays a long view of the past, present, and future of our global community. It is designed to provide everyone with a shared sense of where we come from, of the critical moment that we face today through the climate crisis, and of the possible future that awaits us if we successfully navigate this crisis.
Our goal is to use this novel time visualization technology to help people think long-term in a way that will inspire action to ensure we build a positive future for everyone on planet Earth.
Our long term objective is to build an interactive interface of the Clock Tower to serve as a shared map of the future that will enable people to directly interact with time, the levers of planetary health, and engage with their fellow global citizens to create a future that includes everyone.
The Clock Tower Project Team
The success of the Clock Tower Project depends on the generous donations of our supporters.
Together we can build a vibrant future.
The Clock Tower Project™ is a non-profit organization based in Boulder, Colorado. Our team has extensive experience building large scale software and communication solutions. We are proud to use our expertise to support the planet and its living systems.
We are bringing together the top developers, designers, activists, and experts to help build this technology for our collective future. We envision a future where people – individually and collectively – are able to make better decisions for future generations.